sand and water play equipment

In today’s society, the importance of creating inclusive and safe play spaces for children cannot be overstated. In particular, it is crucial to ensure that girls have access to engaging, empowering and inclusive play environments. By fostering a welcoming atmosphere that encourages girls to explore, learn, and develop new skills, we can empower them to thrive both on and off the playground. In this article, we will delve into the significance of creating welcoming play spaces for girls, exploring the benefits, design considerations, safety measures, and community involvement that contribute to their success.

Recognising the importance of inclusive play spaces:

Play is not only a source of enjoyment but also a vital component of a child’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. However, gender stereotypes and biases often restrict girls’ play experiences, limiting their opportunities for growth and exploration. Creating welcoming play spaces provides girls with an environment free from these constraints, enabling them to express themselves freely and embrace their individual interests and abilities. 

As stated in our previous blog The Positive Effects For Mental Health That A Playground Can Bring a playground offer a multitude of ways to boost mental health whether it be through letting off steam, overcoming challenges or creating a safe space to meet friends. Creating a playground needs to ensure that all are welcome and able to continue to enhance happy and secure minds.

Playgrounds as inclusive and empowering environments: 

Thoughtful playground design plays a significant role in fostering girls’ engagement and enjoyment. By incorporating elements such as swings, benches, and monkey bars, we can create a well-rounded play space that caters to girls’ diverse interests and promotes inclusivity.

Swings: Swings offer a timeless play experience that can be enjoyed by children of all ages and genders. By including swings in the play space, we provide girls with the opportunity to experience the joy of soaring through the air, enhancing their sense of freedom and physical coordination.

Benches: Including benches strategically throughout the play area encourages social interaction and creates spaces for girls to rest, observe, and engage in imaginative play. Benches serve as gathering spots for friendships to flourish and provide a sense of inclusivity by inviting girls to connect with one another.

Monkey Bars: Monkey bars offer an exhilarating challenge that promotes upper body strength, coordination, and problem-solving skills. By incorporating monkey bars into the play space, we encourage girls to push their boundaries, build confidence, and develop resilience.

By offering a diverse range of play equipment, including swings, benches, and monkey bars, we ensure that girls have ample opportunities for exploration, physical activity, and skill development. It is essential to choose gender-neutral and non-stereotypical designs for these elements, allowing girls to feel included and empowered in their play experiences.

Ensuring safe play spaces for girls:

Safety is of utmost importance when creating welcoming play spaces for girls. Adhering to safety measures and standards, such as age-appropriate equipment and soft surfacing, minimises the risk of injuries. Additionally, providing adequate supervision and implementing secure environments allows girls to explore confidently, boosting their self-assurance and sense of independence. Lighting of a playground is something that we are seeing more and more of playgrounds. A well lit space we feel more secure  as well as allowing the space to be used all year round.

Fostering social connections through play:

Play spaces serve as platforms for social interaction and collaboration among children. By fostering an inclusive environment that breaks down social barriers, we can promote positive social connections among girls. Inclusive activities and games that encourage collaboration, teamwork, and problem-solving can help girls develop valuable social skills, empathy, and cooperation.

Engaging the community in creating welcoming play spaces:

Creating welcoming play spaces for girls requires collaboration among various stakeholders, including community organisations, schools, and parents. By involving the community in the design and implementation process, we can ensure that the play spaces truly meet the needs and preferences of the girls they serve. Successful initiatives and partnerships that promote girls’ participation provide inspiration and guidance for other communities looking to embark on similar endeavours.

custom made playground equipment elephant and castleCompany Make Space for Girls quote that ‘It’s essential that ideas from the gender mainstreaming movement are brought into the decision making, design and planning process in the UK out of a need for equality, and to enable girls and
young women to take part in public space.’

Numerous organisations and communities have already implemented inclusive play spaces for girls, setting examples for others to follow. These initiatives often involve innovative approaches, design elements, and strategies that foster inclusivity and empowerment. By examining these case studies and success stories, we can gain valuable insights into how welcoming play spaces positively impact girls’ physical, social, and cognitive development.

Embracing the power of welcoming play spaces for girls:

By providing girls with welcoming play spaces, we equip them with the tools they need to thrive. They learn to assert themselves, challenge stereotypes, and embrace their unique abilities and interests. Moreover, these play spaces become platforms for social connection, where girls can build friendships, develop empathy, and cultivate essential social skills. It is our collective responsibility to advocate for and contribute to the creation of these inclusive spaces in our communities.

Remember, a well-designed playground with inclusive features not only accommodates girls’ interests but also provides a platform for them to challenge gender stereotypes and thrive in their playtime. Let us continue to design play spaces that embrace the diverse needs and aspirations of all children, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.


child using playground slide

Playgrounds are a great way for children to spend their time and get exercise, but they can also have a positive impact on the environment if designed well. Green spaces are limited, particularly in the city and every opportunity should be taken to improve our environment. By designing a playground that increases biodiversity, we can help create habitats for various wildlife species and improve the overall health of our planet. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how to design a playground that increases biodiversity.

  1. Plant Native Plants and Trees

One of the most important ways to increase biodiversity is to use native plants in your playground design. Native plants provide habitat and food sources for various wildlife species, including birds, insects, and small mammals. They are also better adapted to local conditions and require less water and maintenance.

When choosing plants for your playground, research the native plant species in your area and select ones that are appropriate for the site conditions. Consider factors such as soil type, sun exposure, and moisture levels. Plant a variety of species to provide different food sources and habitats for wildlife.

Biodiversity and playgrounds

  1. Incorporate Natural Elements

Incorporating natural elements into your playground design can also increase biodiversity. Adding rocks, logs, and other natural materials can create habitat for insects, small mammals, and amphibians. These elements can also be used for play and exploration.

Consider creating a small pond or wetland area in your playground design. These areas can provide habitat for aquatic species and attract birds and other wildlife. Be sure to consult with a professional to ensure that the water feature is designed and installed correctly.

  1. Provide Shelter

Providing shelter for wildlife is essential for increasing biodiversity. Adding birdhouses, bat boxes, and bee hotels to your playground design can provide homes for various species. You can also incorporate shrubs and trees to create natural shelter for animals.

  1. Reduce Chemical Use

Reducing the use of chemicals in your playground design can have a significant impact on biodiversity. Pesticides and herbicides can harm wildlife and their food sources. Instead, use natural methods to control weeds and pests. Consider using mulch, compost, and other organic materials to promote healthy soil and plant growth.

  1. Use Sustainable Materials

Using sustainable materials in your playground design can also help increase biodiversity. Avoid using materials that are harmful to the environment or that require a lot of energy to produce. Consider using recycled or reclaimed materials, such as rubber mulch, reclaimed wood, or recycled plastic.

Synthetic surfacing such as wet-pour and rubber mulch should be limited is use if possible. They should be used in places with particularly high footfall. We’d recommend synthetic surfing beneath playground equipment such slides, roundabouts and swings. Grass mats can be used over well maintained grass. This is often a cost effective and green approach and allows fall heights of up to 2.4m.

Natural wooden SeeSaw

  1. Encourage Community Involvement

Finally, encouraging community involvement in your playground design can increase awareness and support for biodiversity. Consider hosting community planting events or educational workshops to teach children and adults about the importance of biodiversity and how they can help support it.

In conclusion, designing a playground that increases biodiversity can have a positive impact on both the environment and the community. By using native plants, incorporating natural elements, providing shelter, reducing chemical use, using sustainable materials, and encouraging community involvement, you can create a playground that is both fun and beneficial for wildlife. Here at PlayEquip we understand that we have a real opportunity to improve the world around us. Let’s work together to create a more biodiverse world!

Bespoke wooden play structure

Playgrounds are an essential part of childhood, providing children with opportunities for physical activity, socialisation, and creative play. The type of equipment used in playgrounds plays a significant role in determining the quality of the play experience. Two common types of playground equipment are metal and wooden equipment. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of both types.

Metal Playground Equipment

Advantages of Metal Playground Equipment:

  1. Durability: Metal playground equipment is generally more durable than wooden equipment. It can withstand harsh weather conditions, including rain, snow, and extreme temperatures, without warping or deteriorating.
  2. Low Maintenance: Metal equipment is easy to maintain, and there is no need to worry about rotting, splintering, or other issues commonly associated with wooden playground equipment. Additionally, metal equipment is easy to clean, and it does not require staining or painting.
  3. Wide Range of Designs: Metal equipment is available in a wide range of designs, styles, sizes, and colours, allowing playground designers to create unique play areas that are visually appealing and engaging. The nature of steel means there are less limitations to form and scale. Curves are a lot easier to create in steel; this allows more possibilities in design. Paint also lasts longer of metal playground equipment. This mean that metal playground equipment can look newer for longer and can be repainted if needed.
  4. Safe: Metal equipment is generally safe when installed and used correctly. Many metal structures are designed to meet or exceed safety standards, including EN 1176 and ASTM International’s F1487 Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use.

Disadvantages of Metal Playground Equipment:

  1. Hot to the Touch: In hot weather, metal playground equipment can become hot to the touch, potentially causing burns or discomfort to children. In cold weather it’s very cold to touch making it less appealing to use.
  2. It call feel sterile, clinical and unnatural. This might be good for parents but less so for children.
  3. Limited Cushioning: Metal equipment does not provide much cushioning or shock absorption in the event of a fall, which can increase the risk of injury.
  4. Steel playground equipment is generally more expensive than wooden playground equipment.

metal playground equipment

Wooden Playground Equipment

Advantages of Wooden Playground Equipment:

  1. Natural Aesthetic: Wooden playground equipment has a natural look and feel that blends well with outdoor environments, making it a popular choice for nature-themed playgrounds. Wooden equipment blends into a natural environment well making it look less intrusive in sensitive areas.
  2. Absorbs Shock: Wood provides some shock absorption in the event of a fall, potentially reducing the risk of injury.
  3. Sustainable: Wooden playground equipment can be made from sustainable materials, such as bamboo or FSC-certified wood, making it an eco-friendly option.
  4. Nicer to touch and hold. This makes using the playground equipment more appealing in all weather conditions.

Disadvantages of Wooden Playground Equipment:

  1. Maintenance: Wooden equipment requires regular maintenance to prevent rotting, splintering, and other forms of deterioration. Additionally, it must be treated with sealants or stains to prevent damage from exposure to the elements.
  2. Susceptible to Pests: Wooden playground equipment can be susceptible to pests, such as termites, which can weaken the structure over time.
  3. Limited Design Options: Wooden playground equipment is limited in terms of design options, as it is not as malleable or versatile as metal.
  4. Safety Concerns: Wooden equipment can pose safety concerns if it is not maintained properly or installed correctly. Good maintenance can be expensive and can be unaffordable.

wooden playground equipment


Both metal and wooden playground equipment have advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the choice between the two types of equipment will depend on factors such as the playground’s design, location, and maintenance requirements. This is why here at PlayEquip, we are now using a combination of steel and wood to create the ultimate playground equipment. We use metal for areas of playground equipment that are prone to rot, such as ground connections (where we use steel shoes on wooden playground equipment) and sub-frames and timber in areas that are more likely to be touched and held. You can see from some of our bespoke playgrounds just how this is done very successfully.

bespoke school playgrounds

To ensure the safety of children, it is essential to install equipment that meets or exceeds safety standards and to provide appropriate supervision during playtime. Regardless of the type of equipment used, a well-designed playground can provide children with a safe and enjoyable environment for physical activity, socialisation, and creative play.

Bespoke metal play structure

Playgrounds are not just fun for kids; studies show that they also have a significant positive impact on mental health. Playing on a playground equipment can be therapeutic, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote socialisation. Whether it’s swinging on the monkey bars, sliding down the slide, or playing a game of tag, there are many positive effects for mental health that a playground can bring. The more we learn and understand about phycology, the more we under understanding and appreciated the importance of our public space and what benefits the bring to our society. This is especially important in an urban environment. In this blog, we will explore some of the ways in which playgrounds can benefit mental health. Some of them not so expected.

  1. Playgrounds Promote Exercise and Physical ActivityCalisthenics outdoor gym equipment

One of the most obvious benefits of playgrounds is that they promote exercise and physical activity. Exercise is well known for its positive effects on mental health. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve mood, and increase self-esteem. Playgrounds provide an opportunity for children and adults to get moving and enjoy physical activity in a fun and engaging way. Improved physical health then leads directly to improved mental health.

  1. Playgrounds Encourage Socialisation and Positive Interaction

Playgrounds are a great place for children and adults to meet new people and make friends. As they are public spaces, they offer a rare opportunity for interaction between different demographics of both socioeconomic status and religion.   Socialisation is essential for mental health and well-being. Socialising can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation and provide a sense of belonging. Playgrounds offer a unique opportunity for people to interact and build relationships in a non-threatening and enjoyable environment. This is why a well-designed playground is extremely important.

  1. Playgrounds Offer a Safe and Positive Outlet for Stress Relief

Playing on playground equipment can be a great way to relieve stress and tension. The physical activity of running, jumping, and climbing can help release tension in the body and reduce feelings of anxiety. Playgrounds also provide a safe and positive outlet for stress relief, which is essential for maintaining good mental health.

  1. Playgrounds Foster Creativity and Imagination

Hexagon stumps playgroundPlaygrounds offer a creative outlet for children to use their imaginations and explore their creativity. This kind of imaginative play has been shown to be beneficial for cognitive development, problem-solving skills, and emotional regulation. Lessons that can’t always be learnt in the classroom. The opportunity to engage in imaginative play can help reduce stress and improve mental health.

  1. Playgrounds Provide a Sense of Freedom and Independence

Playgrounds can offer a sense of freedom and independence for children and adults. For children, playgrounds offer a space to explore and discover new things independently, without the constant supervision of adults. This can help build confidence and self-esteem. For adults, playgrounds can provide a space to unwind and let loose, away from the stresses of everyday life.

In conclusion, playgrounds are not just fun places to play; they offer many benefits for mental health. They promote physical activity, encourage socialisation and positive interaction, provide a safe and positive outlet for stress relief, foster creativity, and imagination, and provide a sense of freedom and independence. The importance of these spaces cannot be underestimated. The importance of designing these spaces well can also not be taken lightly. We as a business understand this and it’s the main motivation behind what we do. So, next time you are feeling stressed or anxious, consider taking a trip to the playground and enjoy the many mental health benefits it has to offer.

Bespoke metal play structure

bespoke school playgrounds

Playgrounds have always been an important part of childhood. They offer an opportunity for children to play, explore, and socialise with their peers. However, as technology continues to evolve, the way we approach play is also changing. In the future, we can expect playgrounds to look and feel very different from the ones we grew up with. Here are some of the ways that playgrounds might look like in the future.

playground equipment of the future

Interactive Equipment

One of the most exciting possibilities for future playgrounds is the integration of interactive equipment. Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) could transform playgrounds by offering immersive experiences that allow children to explore and interact with virtual environments. This technology could allow children to experience the thrill of riding on a roller coaster, without ever leaving the playground.

Additionally, smart equipment could be incorporated to provide real-time feedback to children about their play. For example, a smart basketball hoop could track the number of baskets made and provide tips for improving accuracy. Similarly, a smart climbing wall could track progress and offer personalised challenges to help children improve their skills.

These thoughts also raise additional questions in regards to our interactions with technology. There is a argument to say that time away from ‘technology’ is just as important. We often find it’s difficult to prise screens out of the hands of children. Perhaps technologies like this need to be left at the gate and more natural interactions between humans and the real world are what’s more important. Perhaps there will be even more of a need for this as technology advances.

Eco-friendly Designs

With the growing concern about climate change and the environment, playgrounds of the future are likely to be designed with sustainability in mind. This could include the use of environmentally-friendly materials, such as recycled plastic or natural materials like wood and stone. Furthermore, playgrounds could be designed to incorporate green spaces and vegetation, providing children with an opportunity to learn about and interact with nature. We have seen a more of a move in this direction in the last few years. Trends in the industry come and go which makes us wonder what’s next.

In addition to promoting sustainability, eco-friendly playground equipment could also incorporate renewable energy sources. For example, solar panels could be integrated into the design to power lighting or charging stations for electronic devices. We have already seen interventions like this within seating in the last public realm redevelopments in central London

Inclusive Designs

As society becomes more inclusive, playgrounds of the future will be designed to accommodate a wider range of abilities and needs. This could include the incorporation of wheelchair-accessible equipment, sensory-rich areas, and equipment designed for children with disabilities.

There seems to be a step a way from the traditional approach to playground design why various items are picked off a shelf to tick the box for budget and requirement. In the future space will be limited, a more site specific approach is often needed. Bespoke playgrounds are more frequently design into the wider landscapes making them more welcoming and user friendly. More thought is put into playground design as a whole as more understanding of their importance is gained.

Furthermore, future playgrounds could be designed to encourage intergenerationacalisthenics outdoor gym equipmentl play. This would provide opportunities for grandparents and parents to play with their children, creating a more inclusive and multi-generational community. Again, since the pandemic we have had many more requests for mix use play areas. Our designs often extend into outdoor gym equipment areas. We have also successfully seen skatepark equipment integrated in to public realm areas which encourages more interaction between older children and the wider community. This new way of design of public spaces helps bridge the gap between young and old and enriches the communities they serve.

Playground Equipment Safety Enhancements

Safety has always been a top priority for playground designers, but in the future, new technologies will allow for even greater safety enhancements. For example, the use of smart sensors and AI could help detect and prevent accidents before they happen. Similarly, technologies in soft materials and impact-absorbing surfaces could be used to create a safer play environment.

Additionally, new technologies could be used to monitor and control access to the playground, ensuring that children are safe and secure. For example, facial recognition technology could be used to monitor who enters and exits the playground, while RFID tags could be used to track children within the play area.

Playground Lighting Technology

Powered lighting is now cheaper, brighter and more power efficient than it ever has been. It is also now possible to power bright lights with solar powered batteries making lighting play spaces more possible. A well lit playground can be used in the darker months of the winter which allows yearlong use and reduces antisocial behaviour. Perhaps in the future all playgrounds will be make more use of powered light.

bespoke playground by playequip


Learning Opportunities

Playgrounds of the future will not only be designed for physical play but also for intellectual and cognitive development. The incorporation of educational components into playgrounds could provide children with an opportunity to learn while they play.

For example, playgrounds could incorporate interactive displays that teach children about science, history, or art. Similarly, interactive play equipment could be designed to teach children about numbers, letters, or shapes. As science provides more understanding of the mind and body our playgrounds will most likely evolve with it.

Community Spaces

Playgrounds of the future will be designed to encourage socialisation and community building. This could include the incorporation of seating areas, picnic tables, and other amenities that promote socialising and gathering. Furthermore, future playgrounds could be designed to serve as community hubs, hosting events and activities for people of all ages and backgrounds.

In conclusion, the playgrounds of the future are likely to be very different from the ones we grew up with. In many ways they already are. They will be designed with sustainability, inclusivity, safety, and learning in mind through better understanding of human nature. New technologies, such as AR/VR, smart equipment, and sensors, might be integrated to enhance the play experience and promote development. Whether the thirst for new technology translates to the playground is yet to be seen.

calisthenics outdoor gym equipment

Calisthenics workouts have gained a lot of popularity in recent years, and for good reason. These types of workouts involve using your own body weight to perform exercises that help build strength, endurance, and flexibility. Calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment, in particular, have become increasingly popular as they provide a fun, challenging, and effective way to exercise. In this blog post, we’ll explore why calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment are the best form of exercise.

Firstly, calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment are versatile and can be adapted to any fitness level. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, you can easily adjust the intensity of your workout by modifying the number of repetitions, sets, or the difficulty of the exercise. This makes calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment accessible to everyone, regardless of their fitness level or experience. Additionally, outdoor gym equipment is designed to provide a full-body workout, targeting multiple muscle groups at once. This means you can maximize the benefits of your workout without having to spend hours at the gym.

Secondly, calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment are cost-effective.

Calisthenics outdoor gym equipment

Unlike traditional gym equipment, which can be expensive and require a lot of space, outdoor gym equipment is often free to use and can be found in public spaces such as parks or playgrounds. This makes it a great option for those who want to get fit without breaking the bank. Additionally, because calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment use your own body weight, there’s no need for expensive equipment or gym memberships. All you need is a willingness to get outside and start moving.

Thirdly, calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment are convenient. With outdoor gym equipment, you can work out whenever and wherever you want. You don’t have to worry about gym hours, crowded machines, or commuting to and from the gym. Instead, you can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine while

getting in a great workout. This convenience factor makes it easier to stick to a regular exercise routine, which is important for achieving and maintaining good health.

Fourthly, calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment are fun and engaging. The variety of equipment available, such as pull-up bars, parallel bars, and dip bars, makes it easy to switch up your workout routine and keep things interesting. This can help you stay motivated and avoid boredom, which is a common reason why people give up on exercise programs. Additionally, outdoor gym equipment can be used for group workouts, which can be a fun and social way to exercise.

Finally, calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment offer numerous health benefits. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment also help build strength, improve balance and flexibility, and increase cardiovascular endurance. These benefits can lead to improved overall health and wellbeing, as well as increased energy levels and a better mood.

In conclusion, calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment are the best form of exercise for many reasons. They’re versatile, cost-effective, convenient, fun, engaging, and offer numerous health benefits. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, calisthenics workouts with outdoor gym equipment can help you achieve your fitness goals while enjoying the great outdoors. So, the next time you’re looking for a challenging and effective workout, head to your local park or playground and give outdoor gym equipment a try. Your body and mind will thank you.

bespoke school playgrounds

Playgrounds have undergone significant changes over the past 100 years, evolving from simple swings and slides to highly advanced and interactive play structures.

In the early 20th century, playgrounds were designed primarily for physical exercise and consisted of simple equipment such as swings, seesaws, and slides. The playgrounds were made of metal and wood and often lacked safety features such as soft surfaces to cushion falls. As a result, children were frequently injured on these playgrounds.

In the mid-20th century, there was a growing awareness of the importance of play in children’s development. Playgrounds began to incorporate more imaginative and creative elements, such as sandpits, climbing walls, and playhouses. Safety also became a priority, and playgrounds were equipped with soft surfaces, such as rubber or sand, to reduce the risk of injury.

Brutalist playgrounds

In the latter part of the 20th century, playground equipment continued to evolve with the introduction of new materials and technologies. The use of plastic and composite materials allowed for the creation of larger and more elaborate play structures. Some of these structures incorporated interactive features such as rope bridges, tube slides, and climbing ropes.

In recent years, the use of technology has played an increasingly important role in playground design. Electronic and digital elements, such as interactive sensors, sound systems, and displays, have been added to playgrounds to provide children with a more immersive and engaging play experience.

Natural timber climbing frameAt the same time, there has been a growing emphasis on the educational value of play. Playgrounds now often incorporate elements designed to teach children about science, math, and the environment. For example, some playgrounds feature wind turbines, water wheels, and rock walls that teach children about energy and gravity.

Another trend in recent years has been the move towards inclusive and accessible playgrounds, which are designed to meet the needs of children with disabilities. Playgrounds now often incorporate elements such as ramps, Braille signage, and wheelchair-accessible swings.

Finally, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainability in playground design. Many playgrounds now use recycled materials and incorporate elements designed to reduce energy use and waste. For example, some playgrounds feature solar panels and rain gardens.

In conclusion, playgrounds have come a long way over the past 100 years, evolving from simple structures to highly advanced and interactive play spaces. With a focus on safety, education, inclusion, and sustainability, today’s playgrounds provide children with a wide range of opportunities to play, learn, and grow.

Suspended Playground

Playgrounds provide a key component to a child’s development, they offer a multitude of developmental opportunities for children to advance their skills and confidence. Whether it be emotional, physical, social or cognitive playgrounds are fundamental in helping children to play and practise their skills. With this in mind, skill-building and brain and body development can’t take place without safe, age and developmentally appropriate challenges.

As with all the playgrounds we design and install, we need to provide a safe environment that allows children to play freely whilst offering challenges that will not only test them, but in doing so teach them new skills. At PlayEquip we work closely with our clients and the prevailing safety concerns from parents, teachers and governors, along with increased regulations and standards, are at the forefront of our design process. This helps to ensure that all parties’ minds are at ease, but also offers as much fun and development opportunities for the children as possible.

Challenging yet safeBespoke playground wood and steel

Incorporating more challenging elements within the playground shouldn’t come at the cost of a child’s safety. It is not something that needs to be compromised on, a one or the other conversation, but instead should be a balance that must be met by considering both. Arguably, the importance of providing developmentally and age appropriate playground equipment that helps children take risks takes just as high of a place as the safety of the equipment and child.

At PlayEquip we are committed to working with and complying with the EN1176 and other organisations to ensure that playground equipment products are safe for children. We’re also passionate about providing appropriate challenges to enhance a child’s development and truly believe that our site specific approach to playground design always gives a better outcome. Our playground equipment designs are key to making the balance between challenge and safety a possibility. We view playgrounds as a gateway to keep children away from dangerous hazards, whilst encouraging them to test their limits, learn to overcome challenges and take healthy risks

Robinia Clamber Stack 2 RenderOur Robinia Climber Stack is a great example of how we offer children opportunities to challenge themselves in a multitude of ways by providing a piece of equipment and experience completely different from those offered by traditional play structures. This particular design offers a less apparent method of play and a more explorative way of use; this in turn allows the type of play to be more creative and help develop cognitive, social and problem solving skills.

We hope that designs such as this can provide appropriate challenges whilst ensuring safety, satisfying the children, parents and complying with regulations.


Our process

When working with clients; be it landscape architects, designers, schools or councils, we have a tried and tested process which has meant we can collaborate in a way that preserves the innovative designs whilst also ensuring safety and standards are kept to the highest spec. As we have been working with playgrounds for years we would consider ourselves to be experts in the field. When concepts are presented to us, we happily cast our eyes over the designs and are able to highlight any pitfalls and conflicting arrangements that may not be compliant with the EN1176. 

At PlayEquip we find working closely with our clients ensures that we are able to complete projects to a premium specification, ensure customer satisfaction and often exceed expectations. We have found the perfect balance of listening to our clients’ needs, understanding and delivering exactly what they need to help enhance and improve their spaces, working alongside each other.

3D Model St PaulsOf course, we would never be able to give complete professional judgement over this which is why once we have collaborated with our clients we then organise for the designs to be assessed by an unbiased independent play safety inspector on desktop. This occurs before any manufacturing or any contractors are commissioned to ensure that there are no errors and to keep each project cost and time effective.

For bespoke designs in particular, our process involves the design and development of play structures and equipment in 3D CAD. One of the reasons we do design work in 3D CAD is to help us and the independent play safety inspector to fully understand our design intent before fabrication. Sometimes 2D drawings don’t reveal potential pitfalls in the design, these 3D drawings are desktop assessed by the independent play safety inspector and ourselves to make sure nothing has been overlooked.

Bespoke wooden play structurePre-completion inspection

Once our projects are 90% completed we organise another inspection by an independent play safety inspector. This is where any snagging issues, questions or unforeseen issues may have arisen. We choose to undertake this before it has been 100% completed as this is often before any safety surfacing has been installed. In doing so, this allows us to move pieces of equipment should it be needed and in turn another great time and cost effective practice. This is particularly important if the surfacing chosen is from our wet pour or rubber mulch range – having to dig this up once it has been installed can incur unforeseen costs and can be incredibly inconvenient for a client especially as it can be prevented.

A pre-completion assessment is also a great chance for clients to see whether they are also satisfied with how their final designs are looking, whether they would like to add anything else or simply to help reassure everything is being completed to a safe and high standard.

Bespoke metal play structurePost-completion inspection

Once all snags and potential safety risks have been amended we undertake a final post completion inspection via an independent play safety inspector. We ensure that a thorough examination of the playground is carried out and a final inspection report is given to our clients. This provides complete satisfaction and well-being on all sides, ensuring all parties involved are content with the project. 

This is our tried and tested technique to reassure the client, landscape architect and ourselves that all the t’s are crossed, i’s are dotted and to make sure everything that can be done to make sure the playground is safe is achieved.

For help in designing a safe and challenging playground for your community, school or organisation, get in touch with us via email or phone, we will be happy to help!

queensbridge primary school playground

School playgrounds are an integral part of any child’s day. They are what all students look forward to to break up the day, reconnect with friends and the outdoors and let off steam. Time spent in the playground plays a fundamental role in all children’s development providing a great way to decompress any built up energy and emotions helping to increase focus when they return to the classroom lessons. 

Wooden playground equipment for schoolsA school playground is also a place where children learn to communicate with others, encouraging social development which goes hand in hand with expanding their emotional skills, speech and language and even cognitive and intellectual skills. Not only this, but a school playground can be a great tool to stretch a child’s imagination, help with learning organisation and also time management.

At PlayEquip we have acknowledged the great importance of school playgrounds which is why we have been working with schools throughout the UK to help enhance and improve their spaces, working alongside each one, understanding their needs and delivering exactly what they need.


Open ended play

St Paul's cathedral school playgroundMore often than not we have councils, schools and private clients coming to us with great ideas for how they would like to use the space that they have, this is where our bespoke playground service is a perfect option. We are able to work alongside the client to tailor make layouts and structures that are site specific and make the most out of the space and budget that they have.

One of the many great advantages of our bespoke structures, and in fact our off-the-shelf products, is that we like to design and build pieces that help inspire imagination and promote open ended play. 

Open ended play has a multitude of important factors:

  • Helps to encourage and teach independent play, freedom without rules
  • Challenges the child to use their imagination, including investigation and problem-solving.
  • Establishes confidence, patience and resilience, skills that feed into all forms throughout life.
  • Increases the play value of equipment – one day it could be a ‘pirate ship’, the next it could be a ‘rocket’.


Test their skills

trim trail for schools parks and gardens

We understand that it may seem hard to cater to all ages within a school, making sure not to exclude any pupils whilst also staying within a budget. Trim Trails are the perfect answer for this, and a great way to get children having fun whilst also including an element of exercise and fitness. 

Exploring the varying pieces of equipment and environment sparks excitement and challenge as they tackle the series of obstacles, helping them build on motor skills, cognitive development and social skills.

With trim trails you are able to tailor your course to become an age-appropriate playground. Whether that be crossing a balance beam for EYFS, traversing swinging steps for KS1 or swinging across tricky monkey bars for KS2 pupils, our Trim Trail range has something that will push children of all ages to test their skills and build on their self-esteem as a result. 

Another great option is to choose from our selection of monkey bars, all of which can be adapted to a child’s needs and appropriate skill set. It has been found that the use of monkey bars has positive effects on the attainment of children during lesson time. Monkey bars help strengthen upper body muscles from fingers to back, improving posture allowing children to engage more effectively during lessons.

A lot of our products, including monkey bars, have been the result of working alongside teachers who have recognised areas of exercise and play that can be optimised.



Get musical

Playground instrumentsWhen space is at a premium, opting for a smaller piece of play equipment like our playground instruments may be a smart choice. Although playground instruments may not be an obvious choice when thinking about enhancing your playground, it is an incredible option with many advantages.

When a child has musical experiences, this brain activity can lead to a boost in cognitive development and in particular help to encourage the learning of reading and language skills. Not only that, learning an instrument helps to improve mathematical learning and aids academic ability.

Much like open ended play, introducing musical instruments into a child’s play helps children to explore and create on their terms, building their self-esteem and independence.


Offer a place to sit and recoup

As we all know, every child is different and has their own likes and dislikes so it makes sense to cater for the child that isn’t inclined to run around the playground during their break.

Offering a shelter with seating is a great way to provide solace from the hustle and bustle or even to simply cool down on a hot sunny day.

Our Playground Shelter is the perfect option for a hide-out, relaxing area or quiet outdoor space for school playgrounds, pairing it with a couple of sleeper benches makes for a great spot for all children. It could even be used during lesson time for outdoor learning.School ground shelter


Get in touch

At PlayEquip we understand that childhood should involve both time to explore, play and learn in order to build strengths, interests and skills. Get in touch today to discuss what you may be interested in or perhaps we could help suggest what may work for you.

playground swings

The Covid-19 pandemic showed us the best, and at times, the worst aspects of our communities, with people pulling together to help those around them when they were isolated and couldn’t get out for basic shopping. Helping the elderly who were too afraid to leave their homes by collecting prescriptions and even walking their dogs were jobs community members took on with gusto.
And when the children went back to school, some helped with childcare needs, taking children to the local park to play on the outdoor play equipment there due to lack of childcare provision elsewhere. Of course, this isn’t the story everywhere, but overall, most communities certainly tried to get to know each other better, help each other a little more and care a lot more about the areas they call home and the people that live there.
At PlayEquip, one of our main clienteles are councils requiring equipment for playgrounds and community recreational grounds. We believe that providing a space for play and exercise is not only essential for children, but for neighbourhoods also. There are a multitude of advantages a playground can offer a community, some of which can be completely overlooked, but have profound impacts.
The humble community playground – why outdoor playground equipment brings us together For many children with no outdoor space at home, the local playground is an essential outdoor space, and one that the earlier part of the pandemic lockdowns saw being closed to the public. These spaces offer a vital place for children to get out and expend some energy, be active and enjoy the fresh air. But they offer a lot more than just that.

playground equipment for parks
They are a place where children of all ages can meet up with their friends and make new friends. On a wider scale as part of a local park, they offer a green space at the centre of every community where people of all ages can enjoy being outside. More modern playgrounds don’t just offer playground equipment. Skateable objects and parkour obstacles also attract older children and young adults. The interaction with subcultures such as skateboarders, strengthen the local community even further by bringing people together that might not otherwise ever interact.
For the new mum with a toddler moving into the area, they can be a place to meet other parents and form some friendships. They offer a place for children, and parents, to unwind after the school day and at weekends and school holidays.
The parks where these community playgrounds are often situated provide somewhere for older people to safely walk their dogs and interact with other people – often the only time in the day they might speak to others.

Promotion of Creativity

As you may have read in previous posts or observed within our bespoke project, at PlayEquip we like to design and build structures that encourage open ended play. There is nothing more creative than a child’s imagination so to build a playground within your community is a great way to boost creativity for each child. Something that may be seen as an artistic quality is in fact a life skill that we draw on throughout life, not to mention an essential part of childhood and their development.
A community playground provides the perfect environment to not only physically exercise but also creatively and mentally exercise for children too.

A Safe Space

A community playground or recreational area can provide a great space for families and friends to meet up and feel safe. Although it has been noted that with a higher population density there brings a higher crime rate it has been found that within urban communities a playground can actually help to bring a neighbourhood together.
With an increase of visitors to a park and positive community activities research has found that the safety of not only the park, but the neighbourhood goes up. Put simply, an exciting, well built community park will attract families which will in turn detract negative behaviour and create a great safe place.

Environmental Willow Playground Den

Aside from the health and social aspects that a community playground can offer there a number of other benefits to be had from a playground of this type.
When a playground is placed in a park or area with some grass and trees, no matter how small, it benefits the environment, providing a place for birds and small animals to live and creating a better, enriched environment for the entire community to enjoy.

Raising Property Value

Whilst a playground can provide a great place to visit in a community, it can also have a significant and often forgotten economic impact on the community they serve. This comes in the form of the

Drapers Field Bespoke Playground Equipment

recreational facility that they provide for both young and old alike and also the value that it can add to the local properties including any that are adjacent to the playground by way of passing revenue.
This also runs true for local businesses – community playgrounds automatically boosts an area’s popularity and footfall. Regardless of a community’s economic standing, it has been shown that by adding a playground or recreational area almost any area benefits with increased foot traffic. It can truly transform an area from a quiet, nondescript town into a friendly, welcoming neighbourhood drawing in families, businesses and much more.
At PlayEquip we believe in the real value that a quality playground and quality outdoor play equipment can offer to its surrounding area. If you would like to know more about the products we can provide your community with then why not give us a call?